Panchakarma – Everything You Should Know

Published 2 years ago | 2118 views

By Vignesh Devraj

ayurvedic panchakarma treatment, ayurveda panchakarma, panchakarma in ayurveda

The healing method known as Ayurveda was originally mentioned in ancient Vedic literature some 5,000 years ago as thorough lessons on keeping and maintaining health. The knowledge this antiquated medicine possesses when it comes to comprehending the human ability to lead a happy and healthy life is demonstrated by the fact that it is still in use today.

Ayurveda’s fundamental goal is to awaken your body’s natural ability to restore balance via the use of simple yet deep principles. Many contemporary indigenous societies share these similar values, particularly when it comes to the significance of re-establishing harmony or balance in order to nurture good health. Additionally, a love and compassion for each person’s healing path, as well as a reminder to view yourself in the same light, are woven into the Ayurvedic teachings.

When you first begin to explore the world of Ayurveda, one of the first things you will learn or experience is the panchakarma cleansing and rejuvenation procedure, when you essentially start over from scratch.


Panchakarma is primarily a purification treatment; it removes accumulated pollutants from the mind-body system. Pancha, which means “five” in Sanskrit and karma, which means “activity,” alludes to five distinct Ayurvedic purification and rejuvenation techniques. Even though there weren’t as many reasons for unwholesome accumulations in the body at the time it was originally established thousands of years ago, a complex panchakarma detox programme was still required. Panchakarma can be very beneficial in today’s world where poor food, stress, and environmental risks are everywhere.

A panchakarma treatment lasts for many days, providing plenty of time and space for rest and experience processing. Each stage of the program has a specific goal and is intended to ultimately restore your body’s natural capacity for healing. Your body is capable of eliminating waste through a variety of channels, including sweat glands, blood vessels, the urinary tract, and the intestines.


Consider the lifespan of a well-kept car and how long it can be driven. It will repay you with a lot of happy years if you give it proper oil and the care it requires. If you don’t take care of your car, its components begin to deteriorate and its overall performance is subpar. The idea still holds true even though you are more complicated than a car. Your body and mind may require some assistance. To feel healthy and energised, you must have a well-oiled body. It takes a little intentional effort to accomplish this.

In order for the body to function as efficiently and smoothly as a well-oiled machine, panchakarma helps to gently empty the channels of elimination. Your mental and emotional bodies also go through a cleansing process during this time. According to Ayurveda, the mind and body are inextricably intertwined. Panchakarma helps in the relaxation of our body and mind simultaneously.


Like anything that has been around for a very long time, panchakarma has changed over time, and there are different ways to conduct it across India. Here are the five traditional components of panchakarma therapy for some background information:

  • Basti : Medicated oil enemas
  • Nasya : Nasal irrigation
  • Vamana : Therapeutic vomiting
  • Virechana : Purgation
  • Raktamokshana : Bloodletting

Some of the other common list of ayurvedic treatments includes – Abhyanga (Herbal oil massages), Swedana (Steam baths), Shirodhara, Shiropichu, Shirovasti, Thalapothichil, Podi kizhi, Ela kizhi Naranga kizhi, Njawara kizhi, Dhanyamlakizhi etc. The five activities continue to be the foundation of these therapeutic procedures, which have strong and long-lasting effects. The entire programme is created to not only cure your body but also to enable a deep-seated release of tension that has, in some cases, been accumulated for years. Panchakarma often turns out to be an unanticipated and potent excursion into the healing process.

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