Ayurvedic Tips For Better Sleep & Rest

Published 2 years ago | 3334 views

By Vignesh Devraj

ayurveda for sleep & rest

Mornings are no more good, but more stressful and dwindling. The chirping of birds or the sunrise is no more embraced. The unmade beds and irritating alarms remain. What might be the reason?

It’s nothing else but a lack of good sleep. The urge to earn more and more, the thrive to lead a better life is making humankind forget that they need to provide some rest and care for their physical and mental health. Sound sleep at times can mend half of your stress or other health problems and that is the reason why proper rest and sleep are recommended as a part of every medication.

Interested in alluring the benefits of sleep?


Sleep can be specified as an altered consciousness with inhibited sensory activity and lowered muscle activity that naturally ensue in the human mind and body. Sleep and rest are inevitable processes in your daily life. Studies advise that incognizance towards your physical and mental health can bring uninvited guests to your body called diseases. Also, be it in the modern treatise or Ayurvedic treatise, the importance of sleep is well explained.  Ever wondered why an 8-hour sound sleep is necessary? What does your body undergo while you are asleep? Let’s see.

  • The brain sorts and processes the day’s information. While you are asleep, even though the sensory and motor faculties are at snooze, the brain is in its vigorous mode and does some final touchings like segregation, arrangement, reordering, etc of the events that happened on the same day.
  • During a sound nap, the hormones in our body flood throughout, the sympathetic nervous system chills out and it leads to the lowering of the cortisol level.
  • The muscles paralyze during the time of sleep as a part of being entirely at rest and the immune system releases inflammation-fighting cytokines.
  • Another merit is that it keeps the man stay at a healthy weight and thereby chances of getting serious health problems and recurrently falling ill will be decreased.
  • Getting good sleep affects our mental health also. It relieves stress and enhances your mood which can improve the ability to think more clearly and schooling or occupation will be smooth.
  • A good pattern of sleep has a vital role in the growth of hair, and skin complexion. Imbalanced or irregular sleeping patterns can cause intense hair fall and the appearance of pigmentation and dark circles on your face.


In Ayurveda sleep is correlated as Nidra with different varieties according to Dathu, Triguna, Tridosha, etc. Sleep imbalances and related disorders are categorized and treated according to the Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). According to its predominance, the aggravation of these doshas can simulate the normalcy of sleep causing sleeping disorders, irregular sleep, or even insomnia. In these conditions, lack of sleep can dissemble your mornings and daily routines. The aggravated dosha may move from its abode and vitiate the other doshas as well. This may increase the complexity of the condition and hence it should not be neglected as an after-effect of stress.

Often, simple adjustments in the daily routine and diet regimen can bring a remedy for this. A major part of modern medicine uses natural Ayurvedic strategies and therapy for the same. Following some proper sleeping manners and patterns, relaxation therapies or music can up to a breadth control the situation from getting even worse. Understanding the causative factor and undergoing treatment according to one’s strength and dosha vitiation can bring an influential result in the end. Acharyas have even classified sleep into various types according to the Triguna predominance as well. Hence, all the major and minor factors do affect sleep.


A proper dozing pattern has to be created and followed by everyman kind. According to research and statistics, most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep a day. According to their age, the hours of sleep may increase or decrease. For instance, for a newborn baby, the recommended amount of time to sleep is around 14-17 hours, whereas a person aged between 45-65 needs only 7-8 hours of sleep. Divaswapna (morning nap) cannot be considered a good sleep time unless mentioned in some disease conditions. More than irregular sleep, it can lead to the vitiation of doshas in the body and that can give rise to relative diseases. Hence a habit of sleeping at a particular time and waking up at a particular time has to be created and followed. This pattern can be beneficial in numerous ways.

A woman’s sleep is often referred to as Beauty Sleep. Ever wondered why?

A good pattern of sleep or fixed hours of sleeping ensures your body a proper period to rest. This resting hour is a self-care hour for your body and hence, sleep can enhance skin complexion, makes hair grow stronger, deliver a good mindset every day, and will be enthusiastic and energetic every morning.


Insomnia is a sleeping disorder where the patient is unable to sleep or such a process is absent in their life. The reason varies from genetics to daily stress or issues. But mild changes in daily habits, patterns, and routine can diminish the intensity of the condition. Setting a sleep schedule, exercising daily, taming sleep activity, trying relaxation techniques, making your room sleep-friendly, trying sleep supporters and apps, eating sleep-friendly foods, considering acupuncture, and practicing meditation and yoga as well can improvise the condition. Being engaged in particular activities and making yourself exhausted is another way of forcing your body to have a nap.


  1. Stick to a sleep schedule.
  2. Pay attention to what you eat and drink.
  3. Create a restful environment.
  4. Limit daytime naps.
  5. Include physical activity in your daily routine.
  6. Manage worries.
  7. A quick nap or power nap can be taken to refresh your mind. More than hours of sleep, these tiny nap jams in between proved to be enhancing activeness in the person for a long period.

Nothing is more peaceful and effective than a good sleep. The younger generation is mostly awake all night and sleepyheads all morning. At least do they know how carelessly they are eroding their health?

Sleep for your health and not for your fun zone.

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