Wellness Tips In Ayurveda
By Vignesh Devraj

What is Wellness?
We often come across the term wellness in the context of health in our day-to-day life. Health and wellness are often used interchangeably yet both these concepts have clearly different origins. While health is basically a state of well-being, wellness is a state in which we actively live in a lifestyle that helps us attain health.
In 2008, WHO described wellness as a state of well-being and absence of disease. Wellness is not just the absence of negative elements like diseases and illness but it also takes into account the positive elements. Thus with wellness, an individual is seen from a holistic point of view.
Ayurveda, also known as ‘the science of life’ or ‘ the art of longevity ‘ is both a science and an art that has been around the world for more than a thousand years.
Though its lifestyle and regimen may seem a little overwhelming for you initially, with constant practice and endurance, you can bring this science into your own life. Believe it or not, it’s well worth the reward!
The science of Ayurveda is founded on the basis of the concept of triad- tridosa. Your dosic constitution makes up your body constitution. When your natural dosic constitution is balanced, your body maintains the state of well-being and health. It is when this balance is disturbed, we fall prey to illness.
It is important to understand that we have all the three doshas vata, pitta and kapha in our constitution but in varied quantities. The ratio between the trio is unique for each individual.
While it is an undoubtedly sure fact that there is no one else like you, it is astounding how ayurveda can tell who we are simply on the basis of our dosic constitution.
The qualitative nature of tridosha:
The primary qualities of vata,pitta and kapha can either challenge or support your health and wellness, depending on whether they are aggravated or balanced.
The nature of vata dosha:
Vata dosha consists of two elements vayu(air) and Akasha (ether). Persons with predominance of vata dosha are said to be lean and energetic. They are quick learners, highly creative and flexible in all matters.
Their weaknesses include unstable mood, sleeping troubles, irregular appetite, eating patterns and poor circulation.
The nature of pitta dosha:
Known for itsfiery nature, pitta dosha is based on Agni (fire) and jala (water). Pitta predominant people have a muscular build, are highly goal-oriented and competitive. Their weaknesses include impatience, sensitivity to hot temperatures and always hungry.
Those with pitta predominance should focus on work-life balance and extreme heat.
The nature of kapha:
Kapha is made of prithvi (earth) and jala (water). Kapha predominant people are described as being strong, caring, rarely get upset, trusting and calm.
They are more prone to gain weight, are sluggish and are at higher risk of heart disease.
So what should we mind through a food regimen..? Let’s see.!
Tridosa balancing herb:
Vata balancing herb-
- Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera)
- Gokshura(Tribulus terrestris)
- Ardraka (zingiber officinale)
Pitta balancing herbs-
- Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
- Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri)
- Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
Kapha balancing herbs-
- Ardraka (zingiber officinale)
- Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica)
- Haridra (curcuma longa)
When we talk about wellness it will include the health of all physiological systems in the body. And in the fast-paced life like we live these days, be it, man or women, we come across issues like UTI.! A large portion of the reasons lies within our lifestyle but can’t be shrugged away thinking they will be sorted out on their own. So let’s see what we have here as our Ayurvedic home remedies.!
Home remedies for urinary infections in Ayurveda:
- Gokshur:
An ayurvedic herb well known for its diuretic property that aids in balancing kidney functions. The leaves of Gokshur are dried and crushed and consumed along with warm water or honey. It helps reduce inflammation in the urethra and bladder. It aids in balancing kidney functions.
- Punarnava:
Well known for its regenerative property on the whole body, Punarnava helps purify your body and prevent infections.
It reduces the quantity of creatinine and urea in blood thereby helping reduce pain and treat urine infections.
It is a herbal tonic used to treat kidney dysfunctions and reduce kidney stones when taken in the form of asava preparation.
- Guduci:
A common herbused in the treatment of diseases such as viral fever, flu and pain on urination. It helps fight all infections and enhances the overall immunity of the individual.
Guduci is effective in helping to get rid of UTI and has the ability to ease the pain in just a few days’ time. It is taken in powdered form by mixing it with honey or warm water if necessary.
- Bangshil:
An effective antibacterial and antiseptic herb, Bangshil is usually given to patients suffering from severe urinary tract infections and other serious problems. It is used in the treatment of pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatomegaly etc.
Wellness is the act of practicing habits that are healthy every day so as to attain better both physical and mental wellness.
Ayurveda is a choice of living that if embraced wholly brings about a wave of general wellness to your day-to-day life and helps you thrive instead of just pulling through life.
Wellness is an ever-changing dynamic process. It is a personalized approach to living that allows you to fully make use of your potential and opportunities.