Diet Mistakes You Make When You Start Upavaas/Fasting
By Vignesh Devraj

“You have put on too much weight, guess you might have to undergo fasting and dieting soon”. This explicit statement is something very common and non-specific in many lives. Undergoing fasting and diet is considered to be the Weightloss Mantra. Is that a fact or myth?
Let’s take a look!
The benefits of fasting or updates are beyond the extent. With the right consultation weight loss, body fitness, improved digestion, and appetite can be gained. In general, over 24-72 hours of fasting are performed. From increased weight loss and better brain function, the benefits of fasting are numerous. It promotes blood sugar by reducing insulin resistance, promotes better health by fighting inflammations,
may enhance heart health by improving blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels may boost brain function and prevent neurodegenerative disorders aids weight loss by limiting calorie intake and boosting metabolism
increases growth hormone, secretion, which is vital for growth, metabolism, weight loss, and muscle strength, and could delay aging and extend longevity.
- Water fasting: involves intake of water only for some time.
- Juice fasting: entails only drinking vegetable or fruit juice for a certain period.
- Intermittent fasting: intake is partially or comp[letely restricted for a few hours up to a few days at a time and a normal diet is resumed on other days.
- Partial fasting: certain foods like junk, fast and processed foods, animal products, or caffeine are eliminated from the diet set for an effective period.
- Calorie restrictions: calorie intake will be restricted from a few days to a few weeks or a few months.
- Relying on crash diets for a week, or a day without any preparation can damage your appetite and digestive system.
- Skipping breakfast is not a good option. The whole day runs based on the first meal intake and hence, skipping breakfast is not recommended.
- Losing track of your snacks within a few weeks can melt your efforts. control over your snacking habit must be strongly taken along.
- Fat is an important factor both positive and negative. The weight and appetite increase due to the deposition of fat in the body but loading upon a low fat for a long period can make your body fat deficit leading to some other diseases, slipping too many calories can also lead to the same condition.
- Drinking too little water, and ditching dairy can dehydrate your body and instead of fitness, the disease may splurge in your body.
- Going to the drive-thru is another easy way of getting food in this busy Metro life where the food that we grab propose to be more of taste our spices rather than being healthy or good for our appetite and digestion hence picking food during the metro-heavy fast life has to be we more healthy then appetizing
Fasting in Ayurveda refers to abstinence from chewing, licking, and swallowing food. Upavaasa is the term that refers to fasting. It is not just about refraining from food but includes refraining from all pleasures that kindle the senses. It is said to improve overall gut health and detoxify the body. Ayurveda highly recommends fasting for those who can do it. Madhura(sweet), Katu(bitter), and Kashaya(astringent) tasting fruit juice, vegetable juice, and food items, soups and other food items that help in pacifying pitta are good choices.
Intermittent fasting is any of various meal timing schedules that cycle between voluntary fasting and non-fasting over a given period. Here, 2 out of the meals are taken, and hence it is way similar to the principle of Ahara in Ayurveda. The windows of intermittent diet are as follows :
- 8:16 window
- 2:12 window
- 12:12 window
- 5:2 window
- 24-hour window
Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting
- Oxidative stress and hives in the body can be reduced.
- It has heart health benefits.
- Induces assorted cellular processes.
- Alters the function of hormones, cells, and genes.
- Can aid you to lose weight and visceral fat.
- Can ameliorate insulin resistance, lowering your risk for type 2 diabetes.
According to Ayurveda, the Acharya has less mention of any particular food or food items that can reduce your weight or bring about a good healthy digestive system. Rather they advised focusing on certain food products and combinations of various food items that can help in having a good digestive system as well as a good appetite. Moreover, the viruthahara mentioned in the Ayurveda references has a vital role to play while doing upvas. While undergoing upvas for a regular period, the person is not allowed to consume the food items or the wrong combination of items that are mentioned under the Virudhahara category. This can bring a Bad Influence on our body and the upvas or the fasting may be of no use.
- Bitter herbs, coriander, cinnamon, and lime should be included in your healthy diet schedules. These altogether act as a detox in the fasting and pacify the aggravated pitta.
- According to the dosa that is aggravated in our body, the combination of food items that is taken during fasting can be altered. That is for Vata, Pitta and Kapha aggravated doshas and related disorders, a certain set of food items are used for fasting that is arranged based on the body strength and digestive fire of the person.
- Cut down the meal portion i.e you can reduce either 1\3rd or 1\2 portion of your meal to make it calorie deficit to promote fasting.
- Inclusion of more protein and fiber-rich contents and avoiding deep-fried and sweetening food items.
- Wheat, oats, granola, barley, millet, etc, can be used instead of rice and rice products. More vegetables, fruits, and nuts are to be included.
There are many different ways to practice fasting, which makes it easy to find a method that fits into just about any lifestyle. While fasting makes sure to stay hydrated, eat nutrient-dense foods, and get plenty of rest. Fasting can increase metabolism and help preserve muscle tissue to reduce body weight and body fat. In Ayurveda, upavasa is one among the Daivavyaapashraya (spiritual) therapies and one among ten Langhana (that which produces lightness of the body) therapies. It is also stated in Ayurveda that fasting increases digestive fire and causes digestion of ama dosha (metabolic toxins).
Choose your fasting wisely!