BREAKFAST: The Hidden Secret Of Health

Published 2 years ago | 2857 views

By Vignesh Devraj

healthy breakfast

A mother and her toddler in the dining area arguing about a healthy breakfast is an epic scenario found in Advertisements and commercials. The concerns of a mother about feeding her child a healthy breakfast carry the script. Ever wondered why the prevalence of food and diet products is scripted into a morning scenario or the worries of an empty stomach? BREAKFAST is the marketing strategy here!

We are aware of many diet strategies with TWO MEALS, THREE MEALS, EIGHT MEALS, etc. But at the end of the day, in all strategies, Breakfast is king. Wondering why Breakfast is so important? A good authority of accurate information can lead you in the right direction. Follow Us!


Breakfast is known as the inception of the day that can fuel your intellect and body, and can stimulate your energy levels. Be it in a healthy diet, weight loss, weight gain, or any other fitness strategy, the significance of breakfast is very tall. Enormous is the advantage of a healthy plate of meals as the first thing in your daybreak. The cycle goes like this. After a tiring day and light dinner, your body is on holiday for around 7-8 hours where no portion of solid food is eaten up. The body may sap all your glucose and energy by sunrise, hence putting you in a minor level of fasting. Breaking this fasting is the prominent oath to our morning meal. Rebooting the lost vitality, nutrients, strength, etc is its function. The concessions are way more…

  • Improved focus and concentration.
  • Handled hunger for the rest of the day.
  • Prevents gluttony.
  • A remarkable source of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Reduce the bad cholesterol.
  • Weight management.
  • Enhanced Immunity.
  • Bolstered health and immune system.


A lazy champ possesses the utmost tendency to skip breakfast to have a long and lazy sleep. A brunch or Mid-day meal becomes their first and second or mostly the meal altogether. Ever thought about whether it has any afflictions? YES, IT DOES! Omitting the king meal can cause the cult hazards to you :

  • This oversees weight gain and triggers hair loss.
  • Take a toll on the metabolism.
  • Staking Hypoglycemia and higher risk for Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Adverse impact on mood and energy levels.
  • Influences the cognitive functioning of the body.
  • Can spur Migraine and other kinds of headaches.
  • Essential nutrients of your body are deprived and put you at risk of illnesses.
  • A yen for unhealthy appetite and increase In Acidity level.


Ahara (food) should always be consumed in Matravat i.e proper quantity and this quantity of food relies on Agni Bala (digestive capacity). The amount of food can’t always be the same for an individual and it does change according to the digestive capacity. The eats taken in appropriate quantities helps the individual in brainstorming, improving strength, complexion, happiness, long life, etc without annoying the equilibrium of Dhatus & Doshas of the body. Food has an integral affinity with the body and ailments. Intake of wholesome food results in health and intake of Unwholesome food results in Diseases. This common phenomenon of food and diet regimen is highly influential in breakfast. Shuka Dhanya(corns with bristles), Shami Dhanya (Pulses), Mamsa (Meat), Shaka(Vegetables), Phala(Fruits), Harita(Green salads), Madya (Alcohol), Gorasa (Dairy products), etc are some of the prominent food products proposed by the physicians to have a beneficial diet. It is also significant to have a prime schedule for each meal of the day.

It is a scientifically proven fact that irrespective of gender or age, the importance of having a healthy and maintained breakfast and diet from a very young age itself can bring a major change in your lifestyle.  According to the native and climatic conditions, the menu may alter from place to place. While Keralites savor steamed rice items for breakfast, European folks consider pastries, porridge, cereals, granola, and more.  A perfect composition of breakfast is hence unavailable. A person’s appetite, cravings, and tooth preferences are unique and that demands their fillings in a good breakfast.

Let’s Have A Sneak- Peak On Some Wide Varieties Of Breakfast All Over The World


It consists of peanut butter and jelly jam spread on white or brown bread. It is a very typical light, nutritious yet appetizing breakfast recipe. The proteins in the peanut butter and the essence of fruits in the jelly are some promising breakfasts for a sweet tooth with less appetite.


Granola or oats with some milk is a wealthy and nutritious breakfast for the populace following a healthy diet. The rich source of fiber in these can reduce your sugar levels, lower cholesterol, clean up gut health, and also provide many antioxidants to the body. It is a primary option of the meal when it comes to weight loss or diet chart.


The Keralite breakfasts mainly include various rice-processed items like Dosa, Idli, Puttu, Appam, etc with a combination of mouth-watering and delicious Chutneys, Chickpeas, Greengram, Green peas, or a bunch of Non-vegetarian healthy dishes. These are not only mouth-watering, but the right amount of nutrition, spices, flavor, etc enhances the overall quality of food. This kind of breakfast is highly appetizing, rich in taste, and a big tummy-filler.


Another kind of breakfast that is widely found in Canadian, Kenyan & English countries. A mixture of food that includes digestive heroes like Cinnamon, Butter, Bananas, and other fruits of our preferences. It is indeed a healthy breakfast that helps in bolstering bones and endorsing muscle as well as nervous functions. The slight topping of honey alone is good for digestion, boosts skin complexion, and is a perfect breakfast for sweet tooths.


According to the climatic conditions, the plurality of the population of Northern India consumes their breakfast. A glass of fresh fat milk with some heavy and hot potato stuffed Parathas, Deep fried Bhatura, or Spicy Paav Baji or Bhelpuris are often comprised. A healthy, nourishing, and super-rich breakfast is their authenticity and the flavors indeed are mesmerizing. Most of their breakfast includes Dairy products that provide enough Calcium and Protein. Dry roti and sauteed vegetables are also consumed in some parts. Wheat is a must part of every North-Indian breakfast.


Hot tea or coffee is not only a habit in the dawn, but it has also become one of the necessities of humankind. While some prefer Black tea or Filter coffees, some prefer to have Whitener tea and coffees. Not only are they reviving, but also they can help in boosting your activeness, resilience, mood, etc. It plays a vital role in metabolic action and also in endurance. In some cases, these can aid in weight loss also. Cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, etc can be handled.

A major number of inhabitants have some of these items in their daily breakfast. When it comes to children, the spice levels may differ and more liquids are added. A glass of milk or fresh juice, Boiled egg, Salads, and Vegetables should be included in their food chart for healthy and durable growth. Junk food, Fast food, Sweets, and Chocolates should be avoided from their breakfast as they may affect their digestion and appetite. Sufficient nutritious food must be incorporated and assortments of recipes can be followed to avoid the strike of boredom. Kids are attracted to creativity and hence the parents can show their artistic skills in the kitchen as well.


Sleep is a time machine to the first meal of the day. Breaking a fast and nourishing your body is a radical necessity to endure. A morning is never good on an empty stomach. It can affect your whole day and mood. Good health and positivity are other pluses of having a homely cooked fresh breakfast.  Witness the incremental fading of recurring ailments in you and your family.


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