How does Panchakarma Cleanse your Body?

Published 3 years ago | 4126 views

By Vignesh Devraj

panchakarma cleanse

“AN AYURVEDIC QUINARY” – Let’s Flesh Out The Toxins

स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य संरक्षणं, आतुरास्य विकार प्रशमनं |

The sustenance of good health in an active person and the cure of ailments in the sick. The basic principle of Ayurveda mainly focuses on this simple principle. More than a mere healing system, Ayurveda can be contemplated as an art of proper living that can provide better longevity and robust life. This system provides the basic guidance that is necessary for a person to live a healthy and long life. The guidance comprises the basic rules to be followed during the choice of diet and regimen, living habits, exercises, and cleansing methods to restore and maintain the mind, body, and consciousness balance. It thus prevents the disease from having a foothold on our body and longevity.

We all are aware that the human body and all the other major to minor properties that can be visible or invisible are commodities of the cosmic consciousness embodied from the basic 5 elements – PRITHVI (Earth), AAP(Water), TEJAS (Fire) VAYU (Air) & AKASHA (Ether). The fundamental factors that hold the trunk are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, a hybrid of this Panchamahabhuta. Vata is a combination of Ether and Air, Pitta is a combination of Fire & Water and Kapha from Water and Earth acts as the three humors or the solitary constitution of a body which are determined during the time of fertilization. Every individual constitution possesses a unique configuration and proportion of these three doshas. The balance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha is a natural phenomenon. When this doshic balance is agitated, it brings imbalances, and loss of body constitution, thus giving rise to the entity called Disorder or Disease. A disorder or disease is something that has continual companionship with order and hence comprehending its nature and structure is the only key to re-establish the order. The order is a state of health where the tridoshas are in equilibrium, trimala( Urine, Feces, and Sweat) are produced and excreted normally and the Sapta Dhatus of the body (Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medo, Asthi, Majja, and Shukra) functions normally.

दोषा कदाचितः कुप्यन्थि जित लङ्घन पाचनै

जिता संशोधनैर्ये तु शेषां पुनरुद्भव |

(Ref: C.S. Soo.16/20)

Ayurvedic literature relates to preserving the once lost healthy life and longevity by administering the cleansing program called PANCHAKARMA. Panchakarma is the method of removing all the undesirable entities from the body through preventive, curative, and promotive actions of its 5 steps. The 5 steps include Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Nasya (Nasal medication),  Vasti (Medicated oil enema), and Raktamokshana (Blood letting therapy). Even though Panchakarma is said to be a whole-body procedure, in reality, it is only one group among the cleansing or Sodhana therapies.




Also called therapeutic vomiting, the sodhana done by Vamana mainly focuses on the Kapha dosha in our body. During the aggravated stage, it gets amassed in unwanted channels and causes impediment. It causes congestion in the respiratory system and hence Vamana is administered to eliminate the excessive Kapha. Elimination of these despised products brings instant relief to the individual. Conditions like congestion, wheezing, breathlessness, the feeling of distress, etc will be eliminated and a state of mental peace is attained. This therapeutic vomiting is also implied in Chronic asthma, edema, lymphatic congestion etc.


The purgation therapy is done to curtail the aggravation of the Pitta dosha. Through purgation, the sediment bile, fat, and pitta in the body which can induce various diseases like skin irritations, pigmentations, jaundice, acne, etc can be controlled. Being under the use of a drugged laxative, the body will not dehydrate and a proper diet is to be discerned for the balance of the doshas throughout the treatment time.


The enema therapy focuses on retaining the Vata dosha. Vata is the major etiological facet that causes major diseases if controlled and maintained can give better longevity to your life. The large intestine and bone tissues are said to be the central location of Vata and hence the medicated enema is mostly administered rectally. And hence the medication goes promptly and deeper into the tissues and corrects the Vata aggravated disorders.


The nasal administration of a medication is called Nasya and it is one of the major direct routes to the head and brain.

Prana, the life force, has an effective role in the sensory and motor functioning of the body and all the neuro activities that take place in the brain. Hence administration of Nasya can revitalize your nervous system, improves your memory and intellect, and prevents frequent headaches and related diseases. It is one of the best healings indicated for Sinusitis, and certain eye and ear problems as well.


One of the ancient therapies that are adapted from nature and its innovation is bloodletting therapy. As the name implies, here the aggravated rakta or the blood that is vitiated due to the presence of toxins in the body is taken out. Pitta being a product of the disintegrated cells of the blood can also cause vitiation of rakta and hence the ailment related to rakta and pitta can be alleviated through bloodletting therapy. A natural factor that is used for this motive is leeches. In conditions like eczema, scabies, chronic itching, and hives, bloodletting therapy is inferred.

The Benefits Of Panchakarma

  • Cleanses the body completely
  • Augments the metabolic rate
  • Lessening of toxic levels present in our body
  • Rejuvenation of internal organs and tissues
  • Solace from stress and other mental distress
  • Weight loss
  • The impediments in the channels are cleared.
  • Refines digestion
  •  Boosts immunity
  • Refreshment to the body
  • Enhances sound sleep

The fast-moving lifestyle that the contemporary generation is having is a tremendous one. Everything in a span of finger touch is available in front of them. That bound even though it makes our lives easier and fast-moving, it has brought along some major unevenness in our bodies. The awry diet, unhealthy habits, foods and lifestyle, repressed emotions and work stress, etc wholly are altering the balance of tridosha to an inappropriate or toxic level. The least proportion of people is anxious about the lazy poisoning they are doing to their bodies, causing the output of toxic entities in their bodies and decreasing their metabolic rate. This once compiled toxic substance can slowly affect the vital functioning of the body resulting in the birth of certain benign or malignant disorders. And It is a high necessity that your body undergoes deep internal cleansing.


Sitaram Ayurveda is a prominent Ayurveda pharmacy since 1921 that is carved to heal mankind by augmenting the power of ancient Ayurveda applied with modern technology. One of their ingenious efforts to resolve the raging pollution in the human body is Panchakarma treatment provided with extreme hospitality and service.

Join our retreat and endure the charm of cleansing.

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