Success stories

Success stories

Embarking on Wellness: Ayurvedic Path to Weight Loss, Restful Sleep, and Vibrant Health

Mr.DM ****, 33 years/Male, was dealing with a sedentary lifestyle which resulted in gradual weight gain(~105kg), irregular sleeping pattern, irregular bowel habits (occasional loose and constipated stool), and associated elevated uric acid level (0.59mmol/L) which caused pain over his left big toe. He was diagnosed as pre-diabetic (6.8mmol/L) and with borderline cholesterol levels (5.7mmol/L) since 6 months. He also had occasional burning micturition and yellowish discoloration of urine due to reduced water intake and heartburn due to unhealthy eating patterns. The quality of sleep was so poor that it was difficult for him to fall asleep, he also woke up in between a couple of times.

On examination and analysis of his symptoms, an imbalance in Kapha and Vata dosha was observed. At Sitaram Beach Retreat, he underwent treatment for 21 days which included Panchakarma like Virechanam, Vamanam, Nasyam, Kashayavasti, Matravasti and other external therapies like Abhyangam, Pizhichil, Podikizhi, Shirodhara, Utsadanam, Swedanam etc along with yoga, meditation and a suggested diet. Considering his symptoms such as, impaired metabolism, pain, low-quality sleep we gave him herbal medications like Shaddharanam capsule, Varadi kashayam tablet, Kokilaksham kashayam tablet, Tagara capsule, etc.

After external therapies like Abhyangam, Podikizhi, etc, nasyam was done followed by Virechanam. Then we did Snehapanam for 3 days until the saturation was obtained. Later, Vamanam was done on the 12th day and 6 vega along with Pittantha darshana, which is a remarkable sign was observed. To address the impaired fat metabolism and weight gain, Pizhichil, Utsadanam, Swedanam were done externally. And Shirodhara was done to improve the quality of sleep and for relaxation. A course of 2 Matravasti and 1 Kashayavasti was done to bring down the aggravated Vata dosha and to regulate bowel movement. Finally, Abhyangam, Njavarakizhi were included in the line of treatment for rejuvenation after an intense Panchakarma therapy.
All these treatments made a great impact on his health and all his symptoms started to reduce gradually. By the end of his treatments at Sitaram after 21 days, his body weight reduced by 7kg (~98kg) and his cholesterol levels reduced to 5.3mmol/L. The pain over left big toe reduced remarkably, and uric acid was reduced to 0.53mmol/L. And the average blood sugar level was 6.1mmol/L. The quality of sleep got way better. And overall flexibility of the body had improved. The bowel movements became regular. The burning micturition and heartburn were not felt during the course of the stay. Altogether, he was able to relax better and regained his energy level.

Harmony Regained: Ayurvedic Journey to Restful Sleep and Pain Relief

Ms PH 67 Y/F, one of our guests reached Sitaram beach retreat, with her quality of life poorly affected by increased stress levels and dependency on alcohol intake to fall asleep. She was also presented with pain over the hip region, pain over the metacarpophalangeal joints of the thumb of both hands, pain in the legs while climbing up stairs and also with anxiety and nervousness which eventually lead her to have disturbed sleep and disharmony of life.

On examination and analysis, her symptoms indicated vitiated Vata dosha. We also suggested a blood analysis and the blood tests showed higher lipid profiles. The Total Cholesterol level was 234mg/dl, LDL- 116md/dl, HDL-91mg/dl, Triglycerides- 97mg/dl, Non-HDL- 142.7mg/dl and VLDL- 19.4mg/dl.

In Sitaram Beach Retreat, she went through a complete treatment and rejuvenation for 21 days which included Panchakarma treatments like Virechanam , Matravasti and also with other external therapies like Abhyangam, Narangakizhi, Sarvangaksheeradhara, Takradhara etc, along with yoga, meditation and suggested diet.

Considering her stress, disturbed sleep and pain, we gave her herbal medicines like Tagara capsule, Swapnasap tablet, Amrutha guggulu tablet, Shaddharanam capsule, Manasamitram tablet, Aswagandharishtam etc.

We observed positive changes on her right from the beginning and the pain over the thumb and hip region started to reduce. But after 3 days of treatment, pain over the hip region was aggravated slightly and she also experienced pain on the low back region from then onwards. We made the required changes in the treatment plan and after Virechanam on the seventh day of her stay, the pain over the hip region and pain on legs while climbing stairs showed a remarkable reduction. Her sleep was still disturbed throughout her first week of stay, but then we started changes were made in the treatment course and we started Takradhara which had a profound effect on her disturbed sleep and she started to have sound sleep for longer hours than before. This also helped her to reduce anxiety and nervousness and helped her to be calm and relaxed. Later, we focused on her higher lipid profile and thus made certain changes in the treatments, medication, and diet. After her course of stay we repeated the blood analysis and her lipid profile showed a remarkable difference. Total Cholesterol level reduced from 234mg/dl to 163 mg/dl, LDL- 116md/dl to 90 mg/dl, HDL-91mg/dl to 61 mg/dl, Triglycerides- 97mg/dl to 64 mg/dl, Non-HDL- 142.7mg/dl to 101.91 mg/dl and VLDL- 19.4mg/dl to 12.8 mg/dl.

By the time she left Sitaram, she was satisfied with her quality and duration of sound sleep and the pain on her hip and minor joints of the hand reduced significantly.

Transforming Quality of Life: Panchakarma and Herbal Therapy for Chronic Stress in a 63-Year-Old Female

Ms FCR, 63YR/Female came to us on August 2022 with issues of chronic stress which were reducing the quality of her life. She had reduced energy, disturbed sleep and recurrent allergic rhinitis.

We charted 14 days Panchakarma for her to balance her vata and kapha dosha. She underwent procedures like Vamanam, Nasyam along with yoga and meditation. Considering her stress and disturbed sleep, we gave her our herbal medicines like Stimulint capsule, Pranah capsule, Tagara capsule etc.

After 5-6 days of treatment, sleep became better than before, stress level was reduced and neck stiffness was also reduced. Afterwards, Snehapanam was given in an increasing dosage followed by Vamanam. After Vamanam, her kapha symptoms including airway congestion was completely relieved and her mind was calmer and more relaxed. By the time she left Sitaram after 14 days, her general health and outlook also improved significantly.

Guest diagnosed with major depressive disorder could sleep better & sustain herself without anti-depressants

Tat***, 36yrs old female patient came to us with presenting symptoms of a stressful mind, low energy levels, disturbed sleep, and occasional pain over the shoulders and lower back. She was also suffering from irregular bowel movement and had a history of hemorrhoids which was associated with bleeding. Before coming to Sitaram, she was diagnosed with depression and was under medication in the last one year. She was also concerned about rosacea, mostly on her cheeks and nose.

Treatments provided

We started our treatments with abhyangam and naranga kizhi, which itself started helping her in reducing the heaviness in the body and relieved from pain in the shoulders and lower back. Snehapana was given as part of preparatory therapy before vamana and virechanam treatments. Followed by the purification, shirodhara and njavara kizhi treatments helped her in relaxing and calming her mind.


The guest felt mental stability and was able to sustain herself without anti-depressants. Her energy levels have showed a major improvement and she was able to relax better. The stiffness and pain in the shoulder as well as the lower back got completely resolved. This also contributed to sound sleep. The treatments also aided better bowel movements and arrested the bleeding that occurred due to hemorrhoids.

58 year old guest suffering from Asthma stopped using the inhaler 

Ka***, approached us when she was completely boggled down with her many health concerns of asthma, upper and low backache, disturbed sleep and increased stress level. She also had severe hair fall and continued bloating in the stomach.

Treatments Provided

At Sitaram, after a detailed consultation and diagnosis by the doctors, she was advised to go forward for intense panchakarma treatments. Before starting these purificatory therapies, she was treated with avikizhi, abhyangam and shirodhara along with the internal medications. The approach was completely holistic. She was advised a change in her dietary plan with controlled carbohydrates, along with other necessary changes. All this was coupled with various cleansing therapies and prescribed yoga too.


The patient felt a marked difference in her state of health. She was able to stop using the inhaler completely, after starting snehapanam which was around the middle of her stay here. Her upper back stiffness and lower back pain completely got resolved and had a good night sleeps throughout the stay. Kaxxx, was very much relieved from symptoms of bloating and the intensity of her hair fall had reduced.

52-year-old guest found relief from chronic pain & stiffness with improved sleep quality

When Ms. AP****, 52 years/Female, came to us, her quality of life was affected by her chronic stress and joint pains. She had pain over her shoulders, neck, upper back, lower back and foot for many years associated with stiffness of the body. She was also suffering from low-quality sleep.

On examination and analysis, her symptoms indicated vitiated Vata dosha. At Sitaram Beach Retreat, she went through treatment for 26 days which included Panchakarma like Virechanam and Vasti along with yoga, meditation and a suggested diet. Considering her pain, stress and disturbed sleep, we gave her herbal medicines like Amruthotharam Kashayam tablet, Shaddharanam, Gokshuragulgulu, Jeevanthyadi Yamakam, Swapna Sap tablet, Balarishtam and Punarnavasavam etc.

It took about 4-5 days of treatment before we started to see a positive change in her condition. The symptoms started to relieve after 4-5 days. But after 9 days of treatment, pain in the lower back and upper back aggravated and her sleep was also disturbed. Suitable changes were made in the treatment course – we switched to a course of Kashaya Vasthi to reduce aggravated Vata dosha. Afterward, Snehapanam was started with Gulgulutiktakam Ghritham with an increase in dosage and we repeated her Virechanam after Snehapanam. These had a profound effect on her health and all her symptoms started to reduce. By the time she left Sitaram after 26 days, the pain and stiffness in her body were almost absent. Her sleep quality had also improved significantly and she was able to relax better.

Got relief from Chronic Migraine with Panchakarma

Ms. MH, 29 Years/Female, was suffering from Migraine for 12 years. She also had a history of disturbed sleep for the last 15 years. Her symptoms indicated
vitiated Vata and Kapha dosha.

She underwent treatment for 14 days at Sitaram Beach Retreat which included Panchakarma therapies like Virechanam, Snehapanam, Vamanam, Nasyam,
etc. She was also recommended herbal medicines like Pathyakshadhatryadi Kashayam tablet, Shaddharanam capsule, Dhanwantharam tablet, Indukantham Ghritam etc.

She had no considerable change in her symptoms until she did Virechanam. After the Shodhana, we started to see positive changes and her symptoms
started to relieve. By the time she left Sitaram after 14 days, she was not having any headaches. On follow-up, we came to know that her headaches had reduced considerably in intensity and frequency. Her stress had reduced and her energy level had improved considerably post-Ayurveda treatment at our retreat.

Successful treatment for Stress and Fatigue Syndrome with Panchakarma

Ms. SB***, 56 Years/Female, was suffering from extreme stress and restlessness for the past 6 months when she came to Sitaram Beach Retreat in September 2022. She also had general fatigue, bloating of the abdomen, itching over the scalp, hot flashes during the daytime, and frequent Helicobacter infection which led to diarrhea.

The guest had a history of Fatigue Syndrome in 2016. Her blood results showed borderline Vitamin D deficiency (29.46ng/ml) and a raised blood Ketone level (5mg/dl).

We diagnosed vitiated Vata and Kapha dosha from her symptoms and examination. We charted treatment for 14 days which included Panchakarma therapies like Virechanam, Nasyam and Matra Vasti along with Yoga and meditation recommendations. Considering her stress, bloating and irregular bowel movement, and to enhance her immunity, we gave her herbal medicines like Stimulint Capsule, Avipathi Choornam, Dhanwantharam tablet, Allerkhand, Saraswatharishtam, Sukumara Ghritam, Manjishtadi Kashayam tablet etc.

The response to the treatments was generally positive from the beginning. By the time she left Sitaram after 14 days, her stress had reduced and her energy level had improved considerably. The bloating of the abdomen had also reduced. The itching over her scalp and hot flashes got remarkably better.

Stress and Skin rashes successfully treated with Ayurveda

Mr.MN****, 50 years/Male, was suffering from stress and skin rashes over both elbows. He had a burnout 10 years ago and took anti-depressants at that time. Another main concern was his irregular bowel habit and low energy level. He was suffering from stiffness in his neck and shoulders.

On examination and analysis of his symptoms, an imbalance in Vata dosha was observed. At Sitaram Beach Retreat, he underwent treatment for 18 days which included Panchakarma like Virechanam, Vasti and other external therapies like Abhyangam, Pizhichil, Podikizhi, Shirodhara etc. along with yoga, meditation and a suggested diet. Considering his pain, skin rashes and stress we gave him herbal medications like Shaddharanam capsule, Thikyhakam Kashayam tablet, Pranah capsule, Hinguvachadi gulika etc.

The symptoms started to relieve after 4-5 days. Virechanam was done on the fourth day, and he had 3 Vegas, but as he had slight bloating adyovasti was given immediately. To address the skin rash and irregularity in bowel movement, a course of 4 Matravasti and 2 Kashayavasti were done to bring down the aggravated Vata dosha. Afterwards, Shirodhara, Pizhichil and Njavarakizhi were included in the line of treatment.

All these treatments had a great impact on his health and all his symptoms started to reduce gradually. By the time he left Sitaram after 18 days, his stress level and skin rashes also got reduced considerably. The bowel movements became regular and the stiffness of the neck and shoulder had reduced. Altogether, his mind was more relaxed.

Panchakarma -The Panacea for stiffness and pain in the neck, knee joint and shoulder joint

Ms. KJ****, 40 years/Female, was suffering from pain in the left knee joint for 3 years and stiffness in the left knee joint, shoulder joint, and neck. The pain used to get aggravated after prolonged sitting. Another main concern was her low quality of sleep. On examination and analysis of her symptoms, an imbalance in Vata and Kapha dosha was observed.

At Sitaram Beach Retreat, she underwent treatment only for 5 days which included Panchakarma therapies like Nasyam, Virechanam and other external
therapies like Abhyangam, Aavikizhi, local Kashaya Dhara along with Lepam, Januvasti and Upanaham. Considering her pain, we gave Shaddharanam capsule as an internal medicine. The symptoms started to relieve after 2 days. Virechanam was done on the fourth day, and a total number of 10 Vegas were observed.

All these treatments had a great impact on her health and all her symptoms started to reduce suddenly. By the time she left Sitaram after 5 days, her knee joint pain got reduced considerably, and stiffness of the neck, shoulder joint, and knee joints had reduced significantly. The quality of sleep had also improved remarkably.

Ayurveda Therapies relieve lower back aches and improve the quality of sleep

Ms. RW****, 43 years/Female, was suffering from low back ache and bilateral knee joint pain which aggravated on exertion. She was diagnosed with osteoporosis due to low bone density for 3 years and was under medication. Another main concern was her low quality of sleep which affected her quality of life for the last 2 years and made her mind feel stressed and anxious. She was suffering from tinnitus, especially during the night hours and experienced a mild burning sensation in the abdomen on consumption of alcohol and spicy foods.

On examination and analysis of her symptoms, an imbalance in Vata dosha was observed. At Sitaram Beach Retreat, she underwent treatment for 14 days which included Panchakarma like Virechanam, Vasti and other external therapies like Abhyangam, Pizhichil, Podikizhi, Shirodhara etc. along with yoga, meditation and a suggested diet. Considering her pain, disturbed sleep and stress we gave her herbal medications like Sapsciatin capsule, Swapnasap tablet, Tagara capsule, Abhayarishtam etc.

The symptoms started to relieve after 4-5 days. Virechanam was done on the fourth day and she didn’t have any Vega. So Sadyovasti was given immediately and she had 3 Vegas. To address the low back pain and irregularity in the bowel movement, a course of 4 Matravasti and 2 Kashayavasti were done to bring down the aggravated Vata dosha. Afterwards, Shirodhara, Pizhichil and Utsadanam were included in the line of treatment.

All these treatments had a great impact on her health and all her symptoms started to reduce gradually. By the time she left Sitaram after 14 days, her energy level improved, and her low back ache and knee joint pain also got reduced considerably. The quality of sleep had become way better than earlier and the occasional burning sensation in abdomen and tinnitus had reduced. Altogether, her stress level and anxiety got reduced and she was able to relax in a better manner.

From Agony to Relief: Successful Management of Herpes Zoster at Sitaram Beach Retreat

Mrs. LW***, 55 years/ Female, suffered with blisters on the skin extending from the right upper back to base of the right breast, which was diagnosed as Herpes Zoster. She was mentally stressed and her sleep was disturbed due to the pain. On thorough examination and analysis, an imbalance in the Pitta and Vata doshas was found for which she underwent treatment at the Sitaram Beach Retreat.

As she was in severe pain and had unhealed blisters, it was not possible to give typical external therapies like Abhyanga for her condition. Therefore, Kayaseka treatment was chosen under which special pastes prepared using Neem, Turmeric and other herbs were applied over the lesions. It was observed that the blisters healed and the pain reduced within 5-6 days of this treatment, and eventually, other external therapies like Abhyangam, Shirodhara etc. were given using special oils. Snehapana with Thikthaka Ghee and Virechanam were performed to alleviate the Pitta and for detoxification.

Manjishtadi KS Tablets & Thikthakam KS Tablets were prescribed as the primary medication considering the Herpes outbreak. Other medicines like Guluchyadi Tablets, Allerkhand Powder etc. were given to support the treatments.

All these treatments had a good impact on her health and the symptoms started to reduce gradually. Towards the end of her stay, the blisters became dry and the severity of the pain had remarkably reduced. Altogether, she was able to relax better and the quality of sleep had also improved.

Wellness Regained: A Successful Weight Loss Journey at Sitaram Beach Retreat

Mr. OB***, 51 years/Male, approached us with complaints of being overweight (BMI 28) causing breathing difficulty while climbing stairs along with heartburn. He also had chronic lower back pain and disturbed sleep.

On thorough examination and analysis, an imbalance in the Kapha and Vata doshas was found. He underwent Ayurvedic treatment for 21 days at Sitaram Beach Retreat, which included intensive Panchakarma like Virechanam, Kashayavasthi, Matravasthi and other external therapies like Abhyangam, Utsadanam, Narangakizhi, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Swedanam etc. along with a specific diet.

Abhyangam and Utsadanam were initially chosen to mobilize the excess fat. The food menu was fine-tuned to counter the acid reflux problem. A Herbal Bundle Treatment called Narangakizhi was done parallelly to address the back pain. On discussing the benefits of Snehapanam with the patient, he agreed to go through the process for addressing his Metabolic Syndrome and possible insulin resistance. Snehapanam was done for five days followed by Virechanam. Later on, Pizhichil was done to address the back pain and for further fat reduction. A course of four Matravasthi and three Kashayavasthi therapies was done for deeper detox and to relieve lower back pain. Shirodhara treatment was administered for the sleep issue. Finally, Abhyangam and Njavarakizhi were included in the line of treatment for rejuvenation purposes. Acupuncture and Cupping therapy were also performed for alleviating the back pain.

Sahacharadi Kashayam Tablet, Sapsciatin Capsule and AP HAR Tablet were prescribed to alleviate his symptoms of lower back pain and acidity. Swapna Sap Tablet was also added to counter the issue of disturbed sleep.

Towards the end of his 21-days stay, the patient underwent a weight reduction of 7 kilograms, with a remarkable reduction in his lower back pain. Heart burns were also not felt during the course of the stay. Altogether, he was able to relax better and the quality of sleep also improved significantly.