
Majorly four airways are responsible for the airflow in and out of your lungs, but have you thought about what happens when they don’t function properly? 

Asthma is an inflammatory condition where the airways get inflamed. The current worldwide reports state that around 5 to 10% population is affected by this disease. In this chronic condition, the airways constrict and prevent the air from reaching the lungs, which causes discomfort or a difficult situation. During an asthma attack, the muscles in the chest tighten up and reduce the person’s ability to breathe easily. Commonly seen asthma symptoms are coughing, breathlessness and wheezing. Many times, asthma signs and symptoms vary from individual to individual. 

Asthma Ayurvedic Treatment

According to Ayurveda, Bronchial Asthma is a Vatakaphaja disease that starts in the stomach and slowly progresses to the lungs and bronchi. It is correlated to Tamaka Shwasa. Ayurveda says the reasons for Tamaka Shwasa are the consumption of dry, cold, heavy, incompatible foods and irregular food consumption. Excessive black gram, beans, sesame, and aquatic animal meat consumption of cold water and exposure to cold climate, dust, smoke, wind, vigorous exercise, excessive sexual activity, trauma to the throat, chest, vital organs, suppression of natural urges. As a result, the goal of treatment is to move excess Kapha back to the stomach and then eliminate it. Treatment elaborated in Ayurveda is Swedana, Vamana and Virechana. These procedures will be decided upon the patient’s condition. 

The first step in controlling asthma is to stay away from the causative agents. Special care should be taken while working or getting exposed to the allergens. Take special precautions during the time of season changes. Keeping the immunity levels high is the best asthma treatment naturally. Treat the respiratory infections or symptoms immediately before it shapes to a chronic condition. Avail medical care if necessary. A balanced diet is essential when concerned with asthma treatment. Home-cooked meals are the best to avoid digestive issues. Avoid cold or refrigerated foods. 

Few factors that may trigger this health condition includes – respiratory infections, smoking, sudden weather change, respiratory infections, allergens, medication or irritants. If the asthma symptoms become more frequent or bothersome, the difficulty in breathing worsens, or immediate medical assistance is required. The types of asthma include –

  • Acute asthma is a sudden attack caused by the inflammation of the air sacs of the lungs. This further leads to narrowing and contraction of the bronchioles, which results in restricted airflow.  
  • Chronic asthma is characterized by frequent asthma attacks, which requires emergency medical care to control the symptoms
  • Exercise-induced asthma occurs due to strenuous exercise, which commonly appears in young adults and children. The symptoms arise in cold and dry weather. 

The diagnostic method include –

  • Pulmonary function – The tests include Spirometry and peak flow, which helps to estimate the narrowing of the bronchial tubes and rate of breathing
  • Chest X-ray helps to differentiate asthma from other lung disorders. 
  • Allergy tests can help to find the allergens  
  • Methacholine challenge test and Nitric oxide tests are confirmatory tests for bronchial asthma. 

Ayurvedic Herbs for treating Asthma – 

Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), Shunti (Zingiber officinalis), Bharangi (Clerodendrum serratum), Pushkaramoola (Innula racemosa), Karkataka Shringi (Pistacia inergerrima), Haridra (Curcuma longa).

Pathya- Apathya

Pathya – Do’s 

Apathya – Dont’s 

  • Wheat, old rice, mudga (green gram), kulattha (horse gram), yava (barley), patola (snake gourd) 
  • Use of spices like garlic, turmeric, ginger, black pepper 
  • Luke warm water, goat milk, honey 
  • Pranayama, yoga 
  • Heavy oily food, cold diet, masha (black gram), deep fried items 
  • Exposure to cold & humid atmosphere 
  • Sweets, chilled water, stored food items, curd 
  • Suppression of natural urges 
  • Excessive physical exertion 
  • Exposure to smoke, dust and fumes, pollutants and pollens