Acne is a common skin condition that may affect many people during their puberty. The occurrence rate of acne is 3 out of 4 people between the age group 13 to 30 years. Acne happens when the hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Even though it’s not a dangerous situation, it may leave scars on the skin.
Acne spots are more often found in the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Mainly it occurs in the form of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and blemishes. Though it affects people of all age groups, it’s most common in teenagers.
Ayurvedic treatment for Acne
How to remove dark spots caused by pimples is a common worry among the people who suffers from acne. The coined term for acne in Ayurveda is ‘Youvanapidika’. Ayurveda says acne occurs due to an imbalance in the Tridoshas. The main reason for acne to be aggravated is Vata and Kapha Doshas. Pitta Dosha also has a role in causing acne when it afflicts the blood and accumulates there. A superficial treatment will not provide you with a long-term solution. This leads to inflammation in the capillaries.
Our doctors take into account each factor individually to provide you with the best treatment, which may include Nasya, Virechana, Raktmokshana, Vamana, and so on. Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach for treating acne from the ground up. As a result, in addition to the herbal treatment, it also recommends dietary and lifestyle changes. At Sitaram, we also suggest Lepana (application of thick paste), considering the skin type and the chronicity of the condition. Lepana is one of the best acne scar treatments available in Ayurveda. Along with these treatments, intake of acne medication is also suggested. Acne is an entirely curable disease.
What is Acne?
Acne can be defined as a localized skin inflammation due to excess sebum secretion by the oil glands situated at the base of specialized hair follicles. Acne starts during the time of puberty when the hormones in the adrenal glands stimulate the sebaceous glands.
The oil glands are situated beneath the skin. The primary function is to continuously produce and secrete the sebum (oil) through the openings in the skin. This oil helps to protect the skin and lubricates the skin surface. In few cases, a blockage occurs in the oil glands that buildup the sebum under the skin.
What are the types of acne?
The pimples may vary in size and colour from person to person. Depending upon the nature of pimples, it is classified as:
Whiteheads – whiteheads are tiny and remain under the skin.
Blackheads – as the name says, they are black. They commonly appear on the skin surface.
Papules – papules are the type of acne which are small in size. They appear to be pink in colour and looks like bumps present on the surface of the skin.
Pustules – pustules are pus-filled pimples that are red and visible over the surface of the skin.
Nodules – nodules large group of pimples characterized by severe pain and occurs beneath the skin surface.
Cysts – cysts are filled with pus and pain. They leave scars or marks over the area of pimples.
What causes pimples?
- Eating habits – acne majorly occurs due to impairment in the eating habits. Uneven eating patterns, excess consumption of oily, spicy, fried items and intake of extra sugar easily pave a path to the condition.
- Improper bowel habits – due to irregular bowel habits, the body will accumulate undigested food that enters the bloodstream, circulates and accumulates in certain places. This leads to the formation of inflammation in that area in the form of pimples or blemishes.
- Excessive intake of hot beverages like coffee and tea can trigger this situation. Overconsumption of alcohol can also add risk this condition.
- Unhygienic practices like not cleaning the skin properly can accumulate sebum in that area. This leads to outbreaks, and people with oily skin textures are more prone to this situation.
- Bacterial infection to the skin can cause pimple outbreaks. Common among this category are groups of Propionibacterium.
- Long term conception of antidepressants, contraceptives, corticosteroids etc., can also contribute to acne.
- Cosmetics can also trigger the condition of acne. Excess usage of oil-based lotions and creams can create greasiness of skin which results in clogged pores.
- Most of the hair shampoos and conditioners has more percentage of silicones which results in acne.
- Acne can pop up due to excess stress in the body by the formation of androgens that leads to breakouts.
- Hereditary factor – a family history of acne risks future generations to get affected with acne.
- The extreme change in climate conditions can lead to breakouts.
What are the symptoms of acne?
- Occurrence of pimples, or sebaceous cysts which leave scars over forehead, temples, cheeks, chest, upper back, and shoulders.
- Presence of blackheads or whiteheads in the face.
- Scars – acne can cause temporary or permanent scars over the face.
- Pain and itching – if the pimples are filled with pus, it may be painful and cause itching.
- Change in skin texture and color – due to inflammation, there are chances for skin to become reddened.
- Skin appears tougher in the case of non-inflamed acne.
Best useful herbs for acne and pimples
Ayurveda has enumerated many herbs like Haridra, Khadira, Lodhra, Shalmali, Chandana, Sariva, Vacha, Manjishtha, Kushta, Kumari etc. for local application over the face. Other plants like Jathiphala, Neem, Tulasi etc., are considered beneficial in the treatment for pimples.
Along with the medication, a proper diet helps to reduce the symptoms of acne. Foods that are rich in high glycemic index and glycemic load should be wholly avoided. Heavy-oily food, sweetened foods and dairy products are listed to be heavy in glycemic index.